Asking Yourself: What is the significance of Jupiter in Astrology?
If you’re like me, you’ve been searching for the true, historic meanings of the planets in astrology. It can get confusing with so many opinions, schools, and interpretations. That’s why I wrote this article.
Together we’ll separate historical fact from fiction. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a better understanding of the significance of Jupiter in astrology than most other astrologers.
First, we’ll cover Hellenistic, Medieval, and Renaissance astrology. After, we’ll come back to modern times to see what, if anything, changed. And, you’ll get a bonus meditation for staying until the end!
Make sure you read until the end. When you’re done, you’ll be able to interpret Jupiter in almost any birthchart.
- Introduction: The Significance of Jupiter in Astrology.
- Traditional Astrology: Jupiter in the Hellenistic Era
- Significations of a Debilitated or Weak Jupiter
- Technical Details of Jupiter in Astrology
- Ancient Gods Representing Jupiter
- Jupiter in Medical Astrology
- Jupiter in Electional Astrology
- Meditation to Strengthen Jupiter in Astrology
Introduction: The Significance of Jupiter in Astrology.
Ah Jupiter. The planet we all love to love.
Known as the “greater” benefic, Jupiter is synonymous with positivity. Whereas, the “lesser” benefic, Venus, is so-named due to its faster orbit and closer proximity to the Earth.
So what does this mean to you?
Benefics are all about giving you a helping hand and making life more pleasant. In-fact, people with great Jupiter placements can seem downright lucky. Let’s jump right in to see what histories greatest astrologers have said about this giant.
Traditional Astrology: Jupiter in the Hellenistic Era
What was the role of Jupiter in the ancient Hellenistic era?
This period held to a unique form of astrology that was practiced from the 1st century BC through the 7th century CE. Later, astrology was modified with newer theories and rationales. Let’s look at what some of this period’s astrologers had to say.
Esteemed Hellenistic astrologer Vettius Valens tells us that Jupiter is the planet of expanding the things that make life happy and fruitful. Not only does Jupiter give prosperity, but it creates honorable communities that strive for peace and justice.
As Jupiter represents goodness, friendship, and freedom, there’s nothing he dislikes more than liars and cheats. The great benefic believes in just laws and helping those in need.
Thus, when Jupiter sees injustice, it tends to balance the scales.
Our next Hellenistic astrologer, Rhetorious, wrote of Jupiter:
“The circumambulation of Zeus (Jupiter) indicates honors, gains, acquaintance with people of high rank, patronages, and beneficial acquisitions.“
Much like Valens, Rhetorious recognizes that Jupiter is the planet of fulfillment through honorable means. People tend to respect those that act for the betterment of the community, so it’s easy for Jupiter to attract powerful friends to its sphere of influence.
Another astrologer, Manetho, recognizes that Jupiter creates people of great renown. They’re well-respected, well-to-do, and well compensated for their time. They love to talk about their accomplishments, and if you allow them, they’ll talk for hours about their adventures.
Another astrologer, Firmicus, wrote that Jupiter is “mature, kindly, generous, temperate”.1
Firmicus also recognized that a Jupiterian has a calm, collected, and friendly demeanor. Since they think before they act, Jupiterian’s possess the aptitude for success in their field of choice.
Jupiter in Medieval Astrology
The next significant era of astrology occurred during the middle ages. This period had even more to say about the friendly giant.
The famous Medieval astrologer Bonatti wrote of (the part of) Jupiter: “Its signification is concerning honour and the attainments of things, victory…goodness…justice…wisdom…trust, faith.”2
Much like his predecessors, Bonatti is saying that Jupiter is honorable, attracting people and property to himself. Instead of greed, he uses wealth for the betterment of society—such as building a place of worship or charity.
Jupiter strives for positivity and working together as a team. He knows these traits inevitably lead to yours, and others, prosperity.
Subsequently, our next medieval astrologer, Abu Mashar, wrote that Jupiter “signifies the nutritive soul and life…children, beauty, judges, wisdom, truth, faith, charity, morals. He signifies victory, kingdom, the rich, nobles, hope, joy, assets, security, bliss in knowledge, generosity, joking, beauty, sex, making things right between people.”3
Like his predecessors, Abu Mashar is saying that a well placed Jupiter represents happiness, prosperity and morality. He wants you to have a good life, a good family and a good community.
Jupiter knows if you act for the betterment of all, good things come naturally.
Let’s look at what other Medieval astrologers say about Jupiter.
Masha’Allah, the famed Sultan’s astrologer, wrote that Jupiter “will see the children of his children…and great men will confide in him, and above his hand there is no other, and he will find substance from business, and take care of the household of his father.”4
Masha’Allah is alluding that a well placed Jupiter represents long life, a happy family, social status, business success, and even inheritance.
It’s all of the things that we need to not just survive, but to live and enjoy life.
Have you ever had a year where everything just seemed to go your way? You walked into a room, felt confident, proud, and ready to work for the good of both yourself and others? I’d be willing to bet Jupiter was having a strong influence on you at the time.
Our final Medieval astrologer, Ibn Ezra, wrote that Jupiter is “the best of the planets, indicating life and increase of beneficence and multiplication and justice and honest…judges, scholars, those who serve God, the modest, generous, righteous…freedom of the soul, speaking truth…hate of anything not in accordance with the law…seeking wealth, winning in an honest way.”
Much like the earlier astrologers, Ibn Ezra is saying that Jupiter loves generosity, justice, and people who win in an honest way.
Jupiter detests liars and cheats. If you truly care about others, and aren’t just a virtue signaler, Jupiter is in your corner.
Jupiter and Renaissance Astrology
The Renaissance was a period that saw a resurgence of astrology and classical Hermetic thought. It came after a period of astrological dissolution following the middle ages. During this time ancient texts were translated, and new thought leaders emerged to help unravel the mysteries of the universe.
One great astrologer of the period was William Lilly, who wrote that Jupiter is:
- Magnanimous
- Faithful
- Aspiring in an honorable way at high matters
- A lover of fair dealing
- Desiring to benefit all men
- Indulgent to his wife and children
- Full of charity
- Just
- Wise
- Virtuous
Much like earlier astrologers Lilly recognized that Jupiter does things for the benefit of society as a whole. Jupiter loves charity, religion, just laws, and all things that provide benefit to his family and community.
Jupiter in 20th Century Astrology
Now that we have the groundwork for where Jupiter’s significations came from, we can move into the more modern era of 20th century astrology.
The (in)famous occultist and astrologer Aleister Crowley wrote in his Libre 536 that Jupiter was:
“The prosperous, portly, kindly, fatherly man. His power was indeed terrible, but he exercised it, on the whole, with wisdom and beneficence… he was pre-eminently the father of his people.”
Crowley is saying that Jupiter loves to be magnanimous, but also to receive affection in return. The great planet represents the joy a father gets when he sees his child succeed. He’s firm but gentle. He guides the way by teaching us how to deal fairly with people and to exercise our power in a just way.
If you follow Jupiter’s guidelines, you are guaranteed success. If you fall off the path, thinking only of yourself, he’ll throw you back into the jaws of his father, Saturn.
Another 20th century astrologer, the Rosicrucian Max Heindel writes in Message of the Stars that Jupiter: “Makes people humane, honorable, courteous, refined and generous, law-abiding and religious, cheerful and optimistic…never so happy as when working hard to help others. He would not harm a child and never gets angry on his own account but when moved to righteous indignation on account of the wrongs of others then he may be terrible in his wrath…partial to the established church but often dislike any “ism” not sanctioned by society or correct form.”
Heindel is saying that Jupiter loves family and tradition. He’s the classical conservative father—beneficent to his own family and community. He loves to see everyone play by the rules of an inherently good system. Jupiter is about the tried and true—he knows what works because he’s seen what doesn’t.
Jupiter is a worldly fellow, an egalitarian. But when he sees injustice, liars, or cheats, he pounces on them like a ferocious lion.
Significations of a Debilitated or Weak Jupiter
You’ve seen the good, but what’s the ugly side of Jupiter? For starters, when ill-placed (i.e. in fall, detriment, or poor aspect), Jupiter can be wasteful, greedy, and downright hypocritical.
The Medieval astrologer Abu Mashar writes of a challenged Jupiter: “Inconsistency will befall him, and hastiness, and delusion after being prudent.”5
Abu Mashar is saying that a challenged Jupiter can’t stick to his beliefs. In fact, his moral compass is broken. He’ll try to rationalize his poor actions by telling himself fantastic stories that sound good, but when thoroughly examined don’t hold water.
Debilitated Jupiter is the type to start a ponzi scheme. He tells himself that he’s helping early investors, at the same time rationalizing they need the money more than the later victims.
Likewise, Renaissance astrologer William Lilly wrote that a poorly placed Jupiter “wastes his patrimony, suffers everyone to cozen him, is hypocritically religious, tenacious, and obstinate in maintaining false tenets in religion; he is ignorant, careless, nothing caring the for the love of his friends, dull, abasing.”
Lilly is saying that a challenged Jupiter makes for hypocritical and self-serving people. Yet they certainly think very highly of themselves.
They’re vain, vulgar, and abuse any power they get. People see through them, but they don’t care. They’re too busy enjoying the good life at someone else’s expense.
Along these lines, the Rosicrucian astrologer Max Heindel wrote of an afflicted Jupiter: “When Jupiter is afflicted his influence makes the person lawless, sensuous, self-indulgent, gluttonous, extravagant and careless in the payment of his obligations, hence liable to loss of health, trouble with the law and consequent social disgrace. An afflicted Jupiter makes people sporty, fond of horse-racing and gambling.”
Heindel asserts that whereas a beneficent Jupiter works for the betterment of all, an afflicted Jupiter works solely for the benefit of himself. He wants what he wants, and doesn’t care who he has to step on to get it.
The challenged Jupiter often becomes a gambler, an addict, and a glutton in the most extreme sense.
They prefer the company of pirates or those that traffic in illegal goods to anything legitimate.
They’re always out to make a quick buck, and have absolutely zero work ethic.
As they’re prone to laziness, a challenged Jupiterian’s health is more likely to fail from their deviant lifestyle of junk food, alcohol, or drugs. But don’t worry, they’ll find ways to rationalize their gluttony and blame society for their shortcomings.
Technical Details of Jupiter in Astrology
This section is for those interested in advanced traditional astrology. If that sounds like you, read on. If it seems overwhelming, you can skip this part and still have a better understanding of what Jupiter means than most others.
The domiciles of Jupiter are Pisces and Sagittarius.
Jupiter is exalted at 15 degrees Cancer, and finds its fall at 15 degrees Capricorn.6
Jupiter’s exaltation in Cancer marks the beginning of summer. When the Sun arrives here, the summer solstice has just occurred, and the Sun is at its highest point in the northern sky.
Jupiter exalted in Cancer represents the desire to actualize all that we have learned throughout the year.
The peak of summer is when we have the energy to realize our plans through the involvement of others.
In summer, we want to see and be seen, and to create communities that thrive. We want to show off our talents, be involved, share, and make friends.
Thus, as the Sun reaches its peak in Cancer, so do humans peak in confidence and hope. Thus Jupiter in Cancer represents good spirit and success.
Technical Technicalities
The Hellenistic astrologer Ptolemy wrote that “Jupiter revolves in an intermediate sphere between the extreme cold of Saturn and the burning heat of Mars, and has consequently a temperate influence: he therefore at once promotes both warmth and moisture. But, owing to the spheres of Mars and the Sun, which lie beneath him, his warmth is predominant.”
Ptolemy is saying that Jupiter is perfectly balanced. It’s capable of operating anywhere and never goes to the extreme. It’s not too hot, and not too cold. It’s nicely warm.
William Lilly said: “In his colour he is bright, clear and of azure hue…he finishes his course through the twelve signs in 11 years, 314 days, and 12 hours…he is retrograde about 120 days.”
Jupiter’s lesser years are 12.
Jupiter has an orb of 9 degrees.
Jupiter occupies the 6th planetary sphere in traditional astronomy, while the furthest visible planet, Saturn, takes the 7th .
Jupiter is the nighttime triplicity lord of the fire signs, and the cooperating ruler of the air signs.
This means that Jupiter is an active (fire) and intelligent (air) planet.
It expands its reach and influence through inspiring wisdom, attracting followers to itself. Jupiter focuses on doing, not just believing.
In the Western Hermetic Quaballah Jupiter represents the sphere of Gedulah, or majesty, on the tree of life. This is the realm of higher emotions, and its number is 4.
In Renaissance numerology, according to Agrippa, the number of Jupiter is 3.
The day of the week for Jupiter is Thursday.
The etymology of “Thursday” comes from the Norse God, Thor.
The Norse rune representing Jupiter is Ansus. The rune of wisdom.
Sect and Planetary Joys of Jupiter
In traditional astrology, the 7 planets were placed into two teams known as sects. Each team consisted of 3 planets, with Mercury capable of joining either group.
The day sect consists of the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn. The night sect of the Moon, Venus and Mars.
Jupiter is of the day sect. That means that he’s more comfortable when the Sun is visible in the day sky.
However, when Jupiter appears in the chart of someone born at night, his power is slightly diminished or warped.
Sect should be assessed in conjunct with other factors such as house, domicile, triplicity, bound, face, etc., to determine the planets overall condition.
Following sect, the Planetary Joys were a concept that placed the day planets in the upper half of the chart, and the night in the lower—with the hermaphrodite Mercury in the 1st house.
In the Joys scheme, the upper half of the chart symbolizes spirit, which is represented by the Sun. The bottom half represents the body or physical existence, conceptualized as the Moon.
In the Joys, Jupiter occupies the 11th house, aptly named “Good Spirit”.
Thema Mundi
The Thema Mundi, or Geniture of the World, is an astrological creation story asserting that each planet was given an “age” to govern.
Saturn ruled the first age, with Jupiter ruling the second age—and so-forth from furthest to closest planet.
The astrologer Firmicus wrote of Jupiter in the Thema Mundi: “After Saturn, Jupiter received the rulership of time, with the idea that the roughness of early times should be left behind and mankind be given a more cultivated mode of life.”7
As Saturn governed the first age to toughen humanity and teach us to harness the earth’s resources, Jupiter was given control of the 2nd age.
During this period a sense of community and sophistication was instilled. The groundwork of civilization was laid through Saturn, but now Jupiter could refine our sense of goodness and community to make life more pleasant.
Ancient Gods Representing Jupiter
King Hammurabi was the first to elevate a minor Babylonian God named Marduk to the head of the Mesopotamian pantheon. This God was identified with Jupiter.8
In Babylon, “Jupiter could portend a good harvest, peace and security, sufficient rain for the farmers, and success in military campaigns.”9
Jupiter’s influence extended to the King himself, who each year at festival proclaimed his worthiness to the deity.
The Greek version of Jupiter was the mountaintop dwelling Zeus.
He was the God of weather and the hurler of thunderbolts (akin to the Norse Thor).
He was son of Chronus (Saturn)—whom he eventually overthrew. After Saturn’s downfall, the Gods drew lots and made Zeus lord of heaven and king of the Gods.
Like the astrological Jupiter, Zeus was the God of law, morals, righteousness, and justice. Homer depicted him in the Iliad holding a golden scale representing divine order.
The Romans carried on the Greek tradition with their version of the deity—aptly named Jupiter. He too was the God of rain, storms, thunder and lightening. Jupiter resided in the highest of places, and thus his temple was on the capitol.
Jupiter abhorred liars and perjurers, going to far as to throw them from his perch onto the rocks.
Jupiter in Medical Astrology
Medical astrology is the art of correlating parts of the human body with corresponding planets or zodiac signs. This correlation helps determine someone’s constitution to discover what causes dis-ease.
Once analyzed, a proper remedy or lifestyle change can be recommended to alleviate any harmful effects.
Although in existence longer, medical astrology saw its revival during the Renaissance when it was taught at major universities and used by most doctors. As people today seem to be more unhealthy then ever, perhaps it would be a good idea to get back to basics.
Jane Ridder Patrick writes in her Handbook of Medical Astrology10 that Jupiter rules:
- The Cerebrum, particularly the left hemisphere, memory, and reasoning
- Morale
- Arterial blood flow
- Fat metabolism in the liver
- Benign tumors
- Blood disorders
- Hemmorage
- Stroke
- Lung disease, tuberculosis
- Liver disease, fatty degeneration
- Hyperglycaemia
- Cognitive and locomotor disorders
Ridder is implying that Jupiter is the planet of reasoning (and therefore the left brain), due to its historic role as moderate and balanced.
Jupiter thinks before it acts.
A poorly placed Jupiter, however, is prone to act on impulse and self-indulgence. It is implied here that this is the cause of certain diseases of modern society. For instance: indulging in alcohol, smoking, or unhealthy eating can effect your liver, lungs, and blood flow respectively.
Along these lines, 20th century astrologer Raphael writes that Jupiter, “though a benefic, is the cause of blood disorders, apoplexy, plethora, and all ailments arising from high living and excesses in diet.”11
Jupiter is a fantastic planet when taken in moderation. Yet, if allowed to bend to the extreme, its gifts turn to curses. Although no-one else will harm you under Jupiter’s rays, it will certainly give you enough rope to hang yourself.
Jupiter in Electional Astrology
Electional astrology is the art of timing the beginning of an event via an astrology chart. This technique assures you the best possible outcome in your new endeavor. Think of it like a birthchart for your specific goals.
For instance, you need a new job, prestige, or simply more money. Then you’re going to want to start your project when Jupiter is well-aligned—not only by transit, but by electional chart.
In an election, the rising sign and its ruler indicates the person making the election, and the Moon indicates the overall situation. You’ll want to have at least one of these well positioned, but preferably both.
For a new job, you’d want to make sure that the lord of the rising sign, or the Moon, were extremely well placed. In this case, try to place at least one in the 10th house, the house of career, and free from harmful rays of the other planets. Also, check the angles, as squares and oppositions will have the most detrimental effect on the placement.
Jupiter in elections is almost always considered benefic—especially in a day chart.
The Medieval grimoire Picatrix states: “Even better than this is to have Jupiter or Venus rising or in aspect with the ascendant, for then the business at hand will proceed easily and obtain a good result, and accomplish its goal easily and swiftly.”12
Following the Picatrix guidelines, if you wanted to gain the favor of a powerful person or benefactor, such as your boss, you’d place Jupiter in the ascendant, or as its lord, for your election.
The Picatrix again notes: “If your petition is about officials, judges, prelates, or rich and generous people, the lord of your chart should be Jupiter.”13
Along these lines, Renaissance occultist Heinrich Cornellius Agrippa wrote in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy that images of Jupiter were made “for prolongation of life…and they affirm that this Image encreaseth felicity, riches, honor, and conferreth Benevolence and prosperity, and freeth from enemies; They made also another Image of Jupiter for a religious and glorious life, and advancement of fortune.”
Like earlier astrologers, Agrippa recognized that an election for prolonged life, riches, honor, prestige, fame, or moral aptitude should involve Jupiter.
I recently timed an election to move into a new community using a Jupiter election.
For this task, I placed Jupiter in the 4th house, and made sure the Moon was harmoniously aspecting. I also checked the sect, bound lords, triplicity, the planetary day and hour, along with other factors.
The results were phenomenal. I was welcomed with open arms and we finally got a beautiful place to live.
If you’d like help choosing an election for a new career, money, friends in high places, health, or other Jupiter significations, I offer full consultations on when to pick the best elections.
Harness the power of the universe, and your life is almost assured to get easier. Stop swimming against the current—use this ancient science for your own benefit.
“As Above, So Below”
Meditation to Strengthen Jupiter in Astrology
Now that you understand exactly what Jupiter represents in astrology, we can help you to repair and strengthen a weak or debilitated Jupiter.
Remember, at it’s worst, a weak Jupiter is wasteful, arrogant, unjust and pompous. It doesn’t allow real friends, objects, or money to permanently attach to the native.
When it does, it comes with a price.
If you’d like to strengthen a weak Jupiter, perform this meditation every Thursday for an entire month. If you can’t time it, do it anyway, it will still work.
First, sit down in a quiet room and light a yellow candle. If you can’t find one, pick any color. Next to this candle place a piece of tin, gold, or other visually appealing metal or jewelry. Whatever you have access to will work fine.
As you sit, breathe in slowly and count the number 1. Visualize this number and speak it in your mind as you inhale. If it’s not too difficult, also raise a single index finger to symbolize the “1”.
Next, breathing out, visualize the number 2, and speak the word “2” in your mind. This time, raise both index and middle finger. You are associating a visual, auditory, and kinesthetic correspondence to the numbers.
Continue to breathe in this manner until you reach the number 10.
As you finish, you will begin to feel extremely relaxed. Next, close your eyes and see yourself soaring above the clouds.
You have the freedom to go where you want, see what you want, and change what you want.
As you soar above the clouds, you see a large temple on a mountain top in the distance.
You fly towards it.
As you approach, a man comes outside and waves you in. You recognize him somehow. He is a great sage and teacher. You feel like you know him from a previous life.
As he greets you, you feel a sense of peace overwhelm you. He takes you inside to a great room with a single chair. As you sit, you hear him speak directly into your mind: “All that you want is yours, if you take action with the right intention”.
You ponder this statement for a moment and realize it is truth. To change how the world sees you, you must first change yourself.
The guide snaps his fingers and a large yellow-white light appears over your left shoulder. As you breathe in, this light expands into your entire being.
The guide tells you to quiet your mind and to listen to the light. Hear it. It will speak to you. As you do, it tells you the secret to your own success.
The light tells you what must be changed to succeed. It shows you the wrongs that must be corrected. You’ve already known these truths deep down, but you can no longer deny it.
As you realize your faults, you examine the light more intensely. There is something else inside. As you gaze intensely, you realize everything you’ve always wanted to be is within this light.
The light radiates power, prosperity, and love towards all. You feel an inescapable urge to let this light overtake you. So you do.
As the light grows, you notice your body begin to fade away. In-fact, there is barely anything left of you but the light growing inside. As it expands, you feel a great change taking place.
Your old body turns to mist. Only the light remains. Only pure potential. Only that which you are destined to become. You see the you you’ve always wanted to be, here, now.
At the peak of this experience, squeeze your left fist as hard as you can and proclaim the word: “Majesty”.
The light has become you. The old you has melted away.
After a few minutes, you realize that the light has revealed what was hidden inside all along. You’ve always had this power.
The guide smiles. You smile back.
As you open your eyes, remember that this light will always be with you. It cannot be changed or turned off. To access it, simply remember the temple, squeeze your left fist, and proclaim “majesty”. Your true self will come forth.
Conclusion: What is the significance of Jupiter in Astrology
If you read this entire article, you should have a better understanding than most other astrologers on the significance of Jupiter in astrology.
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- Maternus, Firmicus. Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice, Brahm Translation. Park Ridge: Noyes Press, 1975, 12.
- Bonatti, Gvidonis, and Robert Zoller. On The Arabic Parts., 2000, 11.
- Abu Mashar & Al Quabisi, Dykes Translation. Introductions to Traditional Astrology. Minnesota: Cazimi Press, 2010, 242-243.
- MashaAllah, Sahl ibn Bishr, and Ben Dykes. Works of Sahl and Masha’Allah. Minneapolis: Cazimi Press, 2008, 382-83.
- Abu Mashar & Al Quabisi, Dykes Translation. Introductions to Traditional Astrology. Minnesota: Cazimi Press, 2010, 242-243.
- Pingree, Dorotheus. Carmen Astrologicum. Abington: Astrology Classics, 2005, 2.
- Maternus, Firmicus. Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice, Brahm Translation. Park Ridge: Noyes Press, 1975, 74.
- Baigent, Michael. Astrology in Ancient Mesopotamia. Rochester: Bear & Company, 2015, 71.
- Ibid, 159.
- Ridder-Patrick, Jane. A Handbook of Medical Astrology. United Kingdom: CrabApple Press, 2006, 55.
- Raphael. Medical Astrology: The Effects of the Planets and signs Upon the Human Body. London: W. Foulsham & Co., 1910, 16.
- Greer, John, and Christopher Warnock. The Complete Picatrix, The Occult Classic of Astrological Magic Liber Atratus Edition. Minneapolis: Adocentyne Press, 2010, 70.
- Ibid, 75.